Adventure Bay Retreat Media Resources

Browse our library of Adventure Bay Retreat media resources. Simply choose the .zip archive for each property to download the relevant image folder:

Bruny Island (3.9 Mb)
The Lodge (25 Mb)
The Cottage (1.6 Mb)
The Studio (77.3 Mb)

How to download

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the image. Right-click (PC), or right-click or control + click (Mac), the following thumbnails to save and download your chosen high-resolution images.

The Lodge
[ess_grid alias=”The Lodge”][/ess_grid]


The Cottage
[ess_grid alias=”The Cottage”][/ess_grid]


The Studio
[ess_grid alias=”The Studio”][/ess_grid]


[ess_grid alias=”Extras”][/ess_grid]


Please note, all images are copyright © and rights protected, and may only be used with permission from Adventure Bay Retreat.

For any additional enquiries, please contact us.